Plant digitalisation software designed for the process industry
Increase of plant functionality and performance
Provides uniform functionality / operator interface across the factory independent of machine supplier
Reduced cost for control software
Reduction of time and cost spent during software commissioning
Includes modules for seamless MES/ERP integration
Au2plant forms a solid PLC, HMI, and SCADA software package, holding the basic software modules, screen navigation, methodologies, and the procedures to secure an excellent baseline application for the customer’s automation projects.
The framework is suitable for green field plants as well as for project upgrades and offers a significant reduction of time and cost spent during software development and commissioning.
Au2plant is embedding the complete knowledge and best practise from the dairy industry through Au2mate’s many years of experience within the dairy business.
Standard layout for top bar and menus
Standard alarm system and access control
Advanced filtering and search functions
Playback functionality
Multiple language support
Multi-screen support
Templates for visualisation and control of plant components (valves, motors etc.)
Standard interface for material and order handling
Standard modules for data collection to production database
Control modules for control of plant components
Standard data structure for interface to MES and event driven data collection
Basic functions (communication, sync. of time etc.)
Structured control language in all modules
Object oriented software structure for flexible maintenance and
The Au2mate OEE Module (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a unique software tool for optimising the efficiency of your plant, from a single unit/machine to an entire processing line or factory.
Au2mate merges deep insights from historical production data and processes with Intelecy’s advanced AI solutions. Utilize these data and AI technology to gain competitive advantages by improving quality and efficiency in production.
In today’s connected world, your operational technology (OT) systems are the backbone of critical infrastructure, driving industries like energy, manufacturing, transportation, and more.