AU2MATE case


Contract was signed December 2014 and the project was launched immediately after. Based on review of existing software and interview of client staff, functional descriptions for the entire plant were prepared.


  • A scalable and flexible solution that can easily be changed and expanded
  • CIP and production reporting providing full material traceability
  • Solution with high uptime and local maintenance
  • Full simulation possibility for troubleshooting and training of operators before software is deployed on the live system


  • Upgrading a complex existing control system


  • A full control-system upgrade


Beyti was established in 1998 and is one of the largest producers of milk, juice and yoghurt in Egypt, targeting a market of 90 million consumers and catering to different consumer profiles.

The plant makes use of the latest and best food processing techniques and innovative layout that maximizes efficiency. It employs high-speed processing machinery and can produce a diverse variety of dairy, juice and dairy-based products to the highest standards of hygiene and safety. Today Beyti holds strong market positions in all the categories it operates in and employs over 3,000 people.

The control system at Beyti was initially installed in 2001. Over the years expansions incorporated in the existing control system lead to a very complex system, difficult to navigate. At the same time the hardware used was going to be obsolete and an upgrade was eventually required. In September 2014, Beyti and Au2mate began discussions on how to handle the very complex task – a full control system upgrade (hardware and software) in a dairy plant running full capacity production.

“Au2mate has driven the best results for such a major and complex project by combining latest technology with process knowledge and unique automations experience. It’s true that Au2mate is our preferred automation partner”
Atef Motawea, Project Manager at Beyti


Au2mate A/S
Frichsvej 11
DK-8600 Silkeborg
Tel. +45 8720 5050


Head Office:

+45 8720 5050

24/7 Hotline

+45 8720 3090

