Using a data analysis tool from Au2mate, it is possible to optimize your CIP plant to use less water, power, and chemicals. This leads to significant savings while making the CIP process more sustainable. And that’s exactly what Graasten Salater has done. We visited the company and tell you here how Graasten Salater has optimized their CIP plant – to the benefit of both the company’s economy and sustainability.
There can be a lot of money to be saved by tuning and optimizing the operation of your CIP plant. That’s because a properly trimmed CIP system uses less water, power, and chemicals – in other words, it reduces production costs. Likewise, trimmed CIP processes will provide more uptime on production equipment, thereby making production greener and more sustainable, so that it better meets UN sustainability criteria.
But how do you go about trimming the CIP plant so that it runs perfectly?
One obvious option is to implement a CIP Data Analysis program, for example from the company Au2mate. This program monitors CIP processes down to the smallest detail, and the many CIP data in a CIP process are logged and then presented graphically in a clear form. By closely studying the graphical representation of the CIP process, it is possible to quickly gain an overview of the CIP process – in other words, whether the CIP has proceeded as optimally and correctly as possible.
The data analysis software is thus a powerful tool that quickly reveals errors and inappropriate actions during a CIP process. For example, not all the rinse water is pumped out of a tank completely, diluting the lye or acid added, which means that additional lye or acid needs to be added to achieve the correct lye/acid concentrations.
There must be a sharp separation between the different phases of CIP, and if this is not the case, it will be quickly revealed in the CIP data analysis program in the form of flat conductivity curves between the individual CIP phases.
Wanted a greener and more sustainable production
With more than 80 years on the market, Stryhns Gruppen has become a regular part of everyday life for most people. From producing pâté, the company has evolved to become one of the market leaders in pâté as well as dressings and salads. And here too, sustainability is at the top of the agenda, with an ambition to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the value chain by 2050.
In order to trim their CIP plant to make it greener and more sustainable, Graasten Salater looked for effective solutions for such CIP adjustments. Here, the technicians from Au2mate recommended implementing a dedicated CIP analytics program that monitors and logs all CIP parameters and settings.
Afterwards, one of Au2mate’s technicians visited Graasten Salater and got an overview of the CIP plant and the production equipment to be cleaned. This included various pipes, tanks, pumps, valves, etc. on equipment that transports and processes remoulade, mayonnaise, ketchup, dressings, etc.
After looking at CIP systems and production equipment, the next step was to program and tailor a CIP data analysis program that was perfectly suited to the CIP processes at Graasten Salater.
We save electricity, water, and chemicals
Once Au2mate had completed the CIP analysis program for Graasten Salater, it was thoroughly tested for 14 days in production. The purpose of the test run was to reveal any minor errors or inadequacies in the newly developed CIP software. At the end of the test period, the final version of the CIP software was ready for use and was finally implemented at Graasten Salater.
“We have been very satisfied with the cooperation with Au2mate” says technical senior project manager, Jesper Tapdrup and continues:
“The people from Au2mate are extremely competent, and we quickly finished installing and commissioning the new CIP analysis software. Using data from the program, we have now trimmed the CIP plant and we can see that we are saving both electricity, water, and chemistry. Likewise, we have also been able to reduce CIP time, so it is now faster to run a CIP cycle. This means less downtime and more uptime in production.”
Jesper says that sometimes the old CIP system failed during the CIP and a new CIP had to be run. This of course meant extra consumption of electricity, water, and chemicals – and further downtime in production.
In the old system, it was not possible to troubleshoot, find errors and correct them, so that more CIP errors could be avoided. With the new CIP data analysis module from Au2mate, it is now possible to find any errors in a CIP and go into the control system and correct them.
“In parallel, we are in the process of replacing our overall production management software with a new and improved version developed for us by Au2mate. This solution will help us to further increase sustainability and thereby reduce our carbon footprint”, concludes Jesper Tapdrup from Graasten Salater.