Makeen EnviroTech A/S has built a large-scale factory plant to convert plastic waste into oil. The oil produced can then be used to produce new plastic. The factory is fully automated in close co-operation with Au2mate A/S. The factory is expected to be ready for production by the end of the year and is the only one of its kind in the world.
Turning plastic waste into gold: Danish engineers turn plastic into oil with revolutionary factory technology
By engineer and journalist, Klaus Hansen
Every year, Danes produce millions of tonnes of recyclable plastic, which is collected through municipal schemes and then recycled to the extent possible. Approximately half of the collected recycled plastic can be recycled to make new plastic, while the other half unfortunately cannot be recycled and must be discarded. These are different types of polymeric plastics, typically thin plastic films that are glued together from several different types of plastic. These non-recyclable plastics are sorted in large sorting plants and then burned in incinerators like residual waste.
But creative engineers at Makeen EnviroTech have developed a new method to convert the non-recyclable plastics into a new oil product that can then be used to make entirely new plastics. The process is environmentally friendly and contributes to better utilisation of the collected plastic waste, thereby reducing CO2 emissions and strengthening the circular economy. This is in line with the UN’s recommendations for a more sustainable production and planet.
Makeen EnviroTech is currently in the process of building such a factory near Randers. As mentioned above, the factory will produce new oil based on non-recyclable plastics. This is done in a large number of complicated processes, and the entire production must be automated, monitored and controlled down to the smallest detail.
Makeen does not have in-depth knowledge of developing new factory automation, so Makeen turned to the automation experts from Au2mate A/S, who then took on the task of developing a complete automation system for the factory.
– “The fact is that we had to automate a newly developed oil processing plant with the same basic operating philosophy as in a dairy, and since Au2mate had extensive experience in automating processes in the dairy industry, we contacted Au2mate,” says Jens Christian Neimann-Platz, Head of Group Project Engineering at Makeen EnviroTech, and continues
– “And since Au2mate is a large and reputable company with experience in automating complex process plants, Au2mate was a good choice for a competent automation partner for our new factory.
Jens Christian Neimann-Platz says that he also emphasised the fact that Au2mate has extensive experience in building active Scada systems and also has both PLC and Scada software programmers among its employees.
Other advantages he mentions are that Au2mate can offer hotline support 24 hours a day and a nearby service department that is always ready to respond.
Au2mate designed and delivered the entire factory’s IT structure and subsequently implemented it in the production facility. Au2mate was involved in the automation process right from the start, i.e. already in the planning phase. Au2mate also supplied servers and access points. Au2mate has provided advice and employed 10 people in the large automation project, which has now lasted for more than 2½ years and is nearing completion.
Makeen Envirotech has developed completely new machines, for which Au2mate has subsequently made controllers – and integrated the many machine controllers into a unified and overall control system.
– “We have worked closely with Makeen Envirotech – from the design phase to the final system integration and the subsequent test runs,” says Lars Linnet, Divisional Director Sales at Au2mate A/S. He continues:
– “We have also been involved in advising on the choice of software and hardware in the factory. And last but not least, we have had a hand in IT security. Here it is important to choose the right architecture and hardware. IT security is an important issue in such a large factory. If IT security is under-prioritised, there’s a risk that unauthorised persons could penetrate the factory’s IT system and shut down the entire production – and possibly demand a large ransom.
Makeen EnviroTech has been very satisfied with the co-operation with Au2mate. Jens Christian Neimann-Platz from Makeen EnviroTech says:
-“We are pleased that we chose Au2mate as our automation partner. The company is highly competent and has extensive experience in creating process automation from scratch. Au2mate has been a great help, and we have benefited from their knowledge and know-how in the development and integration of our entire factory automation. Now we have started testing the systems and we can see that it works as it should.
The automation collaboration between Makeen Envirotech and Au2mate has now been running for 2½ years, and the new factory in Randers is expected to begin production at the end of 2023.
Makeen Envirotech expects to set up several new factories in Denmark and various other countries. But for now, the first factory here in Denmark is just getting up to speed. Based on this experience, Makeen can then establish new factories around the world.
Sales director Lars Linnet from Au2mate A/S & Head of Group Project Engineering
Jens Christian Neimann-Platz from MAKEEN EnviroTech A/S
Makeen Envirotech is a subdivision of Makeen Energy. Makeen Envirotech is headquartered in Randers, Denmark, and employs around 50 experienced engineers whose task is to develop new green technologies that can help solve some of the world’s many environmental problems. This could, for example, be technology that provides more sustainable production and an increased circular economy.
Part of the work at Makeen Envirotech is about developing processes that can transform waste into new and valuable resources. For example, the engineers have developed a method that is able to convert the part of the recycled plastic that cannot be recycled into new oil, which in turn can be used to produce entirely new plastic.
Makeen Energy is a global company with over 3,600 employees spread evenly across the globe. Makeen Energy is headquartered in Randers, Denmark – just like Makeen Envirotech.